The area of environmental interest Antico Cimitero Ebraico constitutes an important reserve of plant diversity in the area of the Lower Plain of Western Friuli in which it is located. Witness the residual presence of populations of nemoral flora derived from the original settlement on site of the plain woodland vegetation attributable to the historical presence of the Bosco della Man di Ferro.
The presence of some species of the genus Rosa can be identified as linked to the forest formations and above all to the dynamic phase of the forest represented by the bushes located in the open spaces destined for the forest recolonization.
The area has the merit of exhibiting three of the five entities that can be found in the phytogeographic ambit of the Lower Friuli Plain. Such are: Rosa gallica (french rose), Rosa arvensis (field rose) and Rosa canina (dog rose).
The photographic sequence that we offer for the consideration of florists no less than for the attention of nature aesthetes was made on site and partially represents the phenotypic variability observable in this area under study.
Gianfranco Bertani